Is curiosity a luxury?

There are few traits more common among good scientists than curiosity. Almost by definition, people working in the field of finding out new things must have the desire to seek out new things. And yet, everyone treats it like a congenital gift. You are either a curious person, or you are not. I've rarely heard anyone say they would like to become more (or less) curious.

Even still, I googled the question "How do I become more curious?" and all the answers could be summed up as :

  • Ask questions
  • Ask more questions
  • Keep asking questions
  • Be humble and persevere 
  • Ask a few more questions.

And indeed, the act of questioning is central to curiosity. Humility is also important because one does not ask questions if one thinks they know all the answers. But today I want to probe what the circumstances are that lead people to be curious. An easier group to investigate would be children up to school age, because they all go through basically the same routine till age 15. We know that young children are naturally curious; their every behaviour is exploratory, their every action an implicit experiment, the little tykes are learning machines. But as those same individuals leave their secondary schooling, you start to see that natural instinct wear away in a large percentage of them. In the quest to increase the working scientific community and improve science literacy in the general population, this is a systemic catastrophe. How does our education seem to dull the very blade it seeks to create, and how do some sharp ones still emerge?

There are a few more qualifying factors that might help us tease open this mystery. But first, a little background. 
One of the ways I channel my drive for science communication is by being a part of the outreach team at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), an advanced research facility in my city. A few times a year, they invite the public into their campus and labs to showcase the kind of work that researchers do, how and why they do it. A large portion of the audience is usually school and college age students, and I frequently assist in escorting the boisterous groups through their visit. Over the years, I have had to opportunity to observe a not insignificant sample of kids in this environment, and some of the observations I have made from this have prompted this line of questioning. 
There have always been distinguishable groups of people, some who did have this elusive trait of curiosity and seemed to probe their surroundings with the prongs of their questions, and other who for whatever reason didn't seem to exhibit the trait. (Notice that I'm consciously not saying that they were not curious; because they may be in a different environment, just not this one).  So what causes this preferential exhibition? Let's take a few pot shot guesses and try to dismantle them (like any good scientist would) and see what we can scrape together from all the remains. 

Let's get the easy ones out of the way first.
Maybe they did have questions, but either lacked the communication skills or the confidence to display it in the situation. This is not an unreasonable thought because I know from first hand experience that TIFR can an intellectually intimidating place to be, surrounded by people who objectively know more than you. But categorically, if you never express your curiosity and attempt to find answers to your questions, is there any utility to the curiosity in the first place?

Another hurdle may have been prior education. If you don't know how to box and step in the ring to spar with a competitor, you're going to have a bad time. Considering the sorry state of education in a lot of schools here in India, it's not a stretch of the imagination to assume that they were not well informed about any of the basic fundamentals, or more critically, never told that they could know more than what was in their book/exam or ask for it. A significant number of children seemed to come from this schools that institutionalised this idea within them, and couldn't seem to fathom that they should be questioning the person speaking. 
Here is where some interesting separation started to occur along other well defined boundaries. It was statistically apparent that the groups of children that came from "better" (read: from a higher socio-economic stratum) schools seemed to be more open to the idea of questioning what they saw/heard. (This was by no means a universal phenomenon, and we will discuss the [large] exceptions later) This might sound obvious since I used the word 'better', but let's unpack it.
These schools were not government aided public schools, but more privately run newer institutions. They followed different syllabi, probably attracted better teachers, and as a result created a different learning experience. But before we give all the credit to these uber-schools, there is an important dependency to note. The children with access to these schools came from a completely different socio-economic class that those that attended the public schools. To evaluate the causal factors of the development of curiosity, we must try to isolate the effect of the tuition and the socio-economic background (because one can be much more easily replicated than the other).

It seems valuable to try to unpack what characteristics of the better socio-economic upbringing allow this trait to foster, because maybe it can be replicated for people outside this group as well. 
One would seem to be the likelihood of the parents being well educated as well. The existence of a couple of experienced mentors to guide one through the process would intuitively improve the learning experience, by proving support and direction. 
Children who are first generation learners in their family are less likely to receive this support. But if we know what is lacking, we can try to provide it. Intelligent mentoring could fill the role and provide a role model for the children to aspire to outside of their teachers.
People from the former group also categorically have access to more resources, allowing them to tap better sources of information and direction (like continuous access to the internet, libraries and subject experts). This can be replicated in part for the latter group, but as some of the exceptions will show, it may not be all that necessary.
Another factor could very well be that the safety net provided by a providing family can supply the security required to aspire to pursue less secure ventures for their future careers instead of having to aim for a less ambitious but more stable job that guarantees them standard employment and income. And the pressure to get a job sooner rather than later would rule out exploratory higher education as well.
From a few more empirical observations, it has come to my notice that the school also has a large role to play. By acting as magnets for both brighter students and teachers, they are able to have a far higher than average standard of education, and because they are less pressured to pass standard competitive exams, can focus on the true learning process instead of rote memorization. 

But now, let's visit the exceptions, and see which traits are necessary, but not sufficient. 
It is another frequent observation that students who come from such schools are not remotely interested in the learning process at all, possibly because the safety net provided to them shelters them from the need to perform or work hard. For these people, all the resources and guidance available to them is practically wasted. So clearly just resource availability is not enough, the internal motivation to do it must also exist.
Is the desire and drive to do learn both necessary and sufficient? Not entirely, but maybe. As we enter a more information dense age where access to knowledge is more egalitarian, people with fewer resources can access learning tools previously reserved for the ultra-elite (an excellent example of which is the free availability of lectures from world class institutions of topics of every subject now, sharing the knowledge of the world's best teachers with the world). 

So then the question becomes, where does this internal motivation come from, and how can it be created and nourished?
Obviously the question that all of education is trying to answer, but I'll take a stab at it from my view and experience.
A number of people in my life have asserted that I am an internally driven person in a few areas (like science/parkour). To me, I don't usually think of an abstract force inside me that inextinguishably drives me to do more of these things. I only hazily remember how it developed from being something I found cool, to getting better at it over time and through work, till I reached a point where I no longer needed any external support and sustained itself. Almost as if motivation was a fire that needed to be lit by a spark, nurtured in it's early stage, provided with adequate kindling early on and protection from stray breezes (because that's when it's most likely to be easily extinguished). Once the fire is well and truly going, it is mostly self sustaining. It still needs more fuel every now and then, but by then its large and warm enough for itself and to light a few other fires as well.

So if you feel that fire within you about something, light a few more.


You Won't Believe How Animals Sleep - Part 1

Sleeping kitty. (

Sleeping kitty. 

Ahhh... Sleep.
That peaceful, restful, bliss. I don't have to tell you how nice sleep feels. You do it yourself. Just about everybody does. Not only humans, but pretty much all animals. Something resembling sleep has been documented in almost all animals, for birds to bees. If you are, like us, a wannabe scientist, you may have asked what should have been the dumbest question of them all. "Why do we sleep?". We have a few plausible theories, but first, let's look around us for a bit.

The first reality check we have to pass, is that we are a bit dumbfounded here.
All humans, since the dawn of the species, have spent almost a third of their lives in an unconcious state, sometimes vividly hallucinating (dreaming) 

Humans aren't the only ones to behave in this curious way. All mammals do it, so do birds, and bees, and cockroaches, locusts, crayfish. Also scorpions, reptiles and even insects. Every tested animal showed some variant of the process of sleep, and still, we are not much closer to knowing why.

In fact, after studying sleep in animals, we seem to have ended up with more questions than answers. 

To get a handle on what is going on during sleep, we have to go to the control room. The mother lode, the source of all behaviours and actions - the brain. With medical procedures now as advanced as they are, we can just drill a hole into an animal's skull, stick some electrodes in there, and watch what happens as it goes about it's activities, including sleeping. [1]

A dolphin, with blowhole visible. That is the quivalent of a breathing hole(

A dolphin, with blowhole visible. That is the quivalent of a breathing hole

Now, keeping that in mind, consider the situation of a dolphin. It lives in the water, but is a air-breathing mammal, so it has to periodically come up to the surface to respire. They are also concious breathers, which means they have to conciously come up to the surface to breathe, every few minutes. Now also take into consideration the fact that a dolphin needs to sleep, often 8 hours a day. When you look at those two together, there is an obvious problem.
How does a does it stay afloat and get the air it needs to breathe while it sleeps.

Nature, as usual, when faced with difficult problems, often comes up with genius, often borderline crazy solutions.

How did it solve the problem of breathing while the brain needed to rest? Pretty simply.
It slept half a brain at a time.

Let me repeat that.

It sleeps half a brain at a time.

If you were as shocked as I was when I first learned this, you need to take a minute to think about this. This is known as uni-hermispheric sleep. This is how the dolphin solves the problem of breathing while simultaneously allowing its brain, or at least a part of it, to rest. 
Now from there outside, nothing is apparant, but, if you stick electrodes into it's skull, its clear what the dolphin brain is doing. 

The brainwaves of a patient when awake (highlighted in red) and when they are sleeping.(

The brainwaves of a patient when awake (highlighted in red) and when they are sleeping.

One half of their brain, is exhibiting slow wave sleep (second half of the image), while the other hemisphere is representative of the short high-frequency waves of wakefulness.

So we've seen that all animals need to sleep, and even when they're in conditions that don't make it easy to do so, nature finds a way to circumvent the problem, and get that sleep.

Next up, in Part 2, where ducks come into the pictures, what it means for humans, and why you can't get a good first night's sleep in a hotel room.



Additional Information

This article was inspired by a segment on the radio show Radiolab (

[1] This may seem like a horribly cruel thing to do, but in reality, these procedures aren't too invasive at all. With a few minutes of the anaesthetic wearing off, animals are back to their routine activities of eating, jumping and lazing around.

Further information about uni-hermispheric sleep:

Lapierre, Jennifer L.; Kosenko, Peter O.; Lyamin, Oleg I.; Kodama, Tohru; Mukhametov, Lev M.; Siegel, Jerome M. (2007). "Cortical Acetylcholine Release Is Lateralized during Asymmetrical Slow-Wave Sleep in Northern Fur Seals". The Journal of Neuroscience 27 (44): 11999–12006.

Rattenbourg, Neils C.; Amlaner, C.J.; Lima, S.L. (2000). "Behavioral, neurophysiological and evolutionary perspectives on unihemispheric sleep". Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 24 (8): 817–842. doi:10.1016/S0149-7634(00)00039-7PMID 11118608.




Metamorphosis, And How It Is Not As Simple As You Think. [Part 1]

noun: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. [1]

From this graph, you can see that this concept has been around and in discussion at a fairly constant rate. The idea that an one object can turn into a very different one, is fascinating for various reasons. How does this happen? Or more importantly, why?

To answer these questions, we need to observe it in action. 
There is geological metamorphosis, where changes occur in minerals or geologic textures. It takes place due to temperature, pressure, and chemically active fluids. There is no underlying 'why', here, except that rocks that are placed in certain conditions behave in certain ways (according to the laws of physics and chemistry).
Then, there is biological metamorphosis, a completely different beast (sorry, couldn't resist). This process involves significant change in structure due cell growth and differentiation after birth/hatching. This process is so successful, that the majority of all insects (and therefore the majority of all animals) undergo some form of metamorphosis.
Let's look at this in a little more detail, in the case of the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus). The monarch butterfly is part of the homometabola subclass of insects that undergo complete metamorphosis, passing through a distinct pupal stage.

Danaus plexippus start out their life as a caterpillar, hatched from a tiny egg. For around two weeks, they roam around their host plant, eating all the leaves they can find. This allows them to grow more than twenty-fold, from a length of ~ 2mm, to ~ 5 cm.
In the image below, the one on the right has just hatched, and will grow in size for around 13 days till it becomes the size of the one on the left.

But what comes next is what we're interested in. 
The caterpillar finds a nice spot, attaches itself to a branch, hangs underneath, and forms a
pupa (also called chrysalis).
This beautiful video shows the pupation process:

And after another 2 weeks in the pupa, they emerge, as the beautiful, photogenic, Monarch Butterfy.

The Monarch Butterfly  (

The Monarch Butterfly  (

But, wait. 

What just happened?

How did a creature go from being:


Stop reading for a moment, and think about it. How do you think this transformation happens?

Thought about it? Ok.
Scientists a few hundred years ago wanted to know too, so they took a pupa, and cut it open.

And what did they find?
Pale yellow goo.
Are you surprised?
There was no caterpillar, no butterfly, just a snot colored liquid. No head, no antennae, no legs. Where did the caterpillar go? 

It seems like once the caterpillar gets into it's chrysalis, it releases enzymes that dissolve it's tissues into individual cells. Some of these cells rupture, and when they do, their contents (the proteins, cytoplasm) all spill out. 

When early scientists first saw this, they came to the conclusion that the caterpillar entered the pupa, effectively died, and out of its remains was reborn as a butterfly. This explanation was used for a long time as an example by the Church to demonstrate how the human body might die, and attain a more beautiful form in heaven.

This idea was squashed completely in two different ways. The first is an ingenious experiment run by scientists in the UK. Here's what they did. They took a bunch of Manduca sexta (also called the tobacco hornworm, a species of moth) while they were in caterpillar form, sprayed them with an odor, and then shocked them (with electricity). After they did this often enough, the caterpillars learned to hate the odor, and everytime they smelt it, they tried to move away. Now, they let those caterpillars pupate. They spent two weeks in the pupa, and emerged as moths. Now, the scientists gassed them again...... they hated it! Ordinary unconditioned moths did not have any specific reaction to the odor, but these moths hated it, and kept trying to avoid it. [2]

Why? What does this mean?
It means that the memory made it through the goo.
What the caterpillar learned, the moth remembered. This conclusively proved that the caterpillar didn't die in the pupa, it simply transformed.

Another experimenter that subverted the "dying" hypothesis was a Dutch microscopist called Jan SwammerdamHe routinely performed dissections of dragonflies and mayflies and examined them under a microscope. On dissecting the caterpillar form of those insects he was able to show undeveloped structures of the adult. So on peeling back the skin of the caterpillar, you found tiny, thin wings, antennae and legs of the future adult, even before pupation began.
This proved, beyond a doubt, that the insect before pupation and after was the same organism, with shared organs.

Today, we call these immature little adult structures imaginal discsThe goo in the pupa actually contains lots of these bunches of cells, which use the nutrients spilled out of the other cells to fuel growth of those parts of the adult body.


In Part 2, we explore how metamorphosis is actually useful, why it was evolutionarity selected for, and can we see what goes on inside the chrysalis?


Sources and Further reading : 



How to See Without Glasses, and Happy Pinhole Day!

It is one of the senses that we are most reliant on to gather the information that we that we use to navigate the world around us. The spherical sacs of fluid embedded in our skulls (eyes) that give us a picture of the world, are not perfect, however. A large percentage of the human population has some form of low visual acuity (technical term for clarity of vision). We usually value our vision so much, that we are quick to correct the imperfection, with glasses, or contact lenses. But what if you don't have those with you right now, and you want to see something clearly?

Here's a little trick that will let you do exactly that.
Take off your glasses (if you have a pair) or just look at something at a distance. Look at anything that looks a little blurry. 
Now take your hand, and form a tiny little hole, like this and put it up to your eye. Do you see the difference?

This video will explain exactly how to make it, and a little bit about how it does.

Let's understand a bit more about the effect.
It is called the pinhole effect. It got its name from its usage in old cameras that didn't have lenses to focus the light onto the film. To ensure they had a clear picture, they used a hole in a board made with a pin (hence, "pinhole") as the aperture. The advantage of doing this was that they didn't need to worry about focusing on a single spot anymore.
The first of these cameras were made as far back as the 10th century AD, and the technology has developed ever since to take long exposure pictures of objects. It's utility for us lies in obtaining a clear image of an object that was not in the focal plane (technical term for everything at the same distance from the eye as the focus). This allows pinhole cameras to have an infinite depth of field (another technical term that tells you the size of the focal plane), which means everything, near and far, seems clear and focused.



By allowing the light to pass through only a single point, this prevents blurriness and makes the image clearer (in an eye or a camera).
This is also why some people squint when they can't see clearly. The squinting reduces the size of the aperture (technical term for the size of the pinhole) and this makes objects less blurry.

The disadvantage is, though, that since you are blocking light rather than redirecting it, you lose a bunch of it, and your image is darker.

Lens images have more light, so are brighter than pinhole images.

Lens images have more light, so are brighter than pinhole images.

So now you may want to build your own pinhole camera, and here are some helpful intructions on how to do just that.

And lastly, today (27th April, 2014) is actually World Pinhole Day. Congratulations!


Here are some more images of pinhole photography, along with information about World Pinhole Day. (


Time Travel: More Than Science Fiction? Part 2

In the previous article by Jianchen, we examined the possibility of time travel, and the many paradoxes that crop up when you attempt it. All of it sounds quite mysterious and if you haven't read that piece, you should do so now. Seriously, click here and go. 

Now, assuming you've read the previous article, your brain is now a puddle of goo. Considering the implications of altered histories and fractured self-terminating timelines can be a mind-warbling exercise. But luckily for us, we have a tool that allows up to examine every idea and determine the truth. 
Let's go.... SCIENCE!

So what do the laws of physics say about time travel?
In a massive surprise, the laws of science (as we know them today) do not prohibit time travel! 
But there is one major caveat. You can only travel to the future, not the past (No killing Hitler yet).

But how? This is actually a property of the (almost magical) theory of Relativity, proposed by the (one and only) Albert Einstein. Henry Reich of the popular YouTube channel Minutephysics gives a nice small introduction to ways to time travel. 
(For those who like reading more than listening, here's a text link to Wikipedia on the subject).

So let's examine those methods in a little more detail:

  1. Do nothing
    We are all travelling into the future at the fairly average rate of one second per second, so it should stand to reason that we are all time travellers. But we want to be special time travellers, don't we? So let's move on to;
  2. Start moving
    Now here's where it get's a little trickier.
    In the theory of Special Relativity, we first figure out that things like distance and time are not absolute (i.e There is no universal time). Durations and distances are different for everyone and depend on your point of view (a.k.a. the observer's reference frame), but certain things are constant for everyone (like the velocity of light). Using this we come to the conclusion that what we consider time and what we consider space are not different things. They are just two components of the same spacetime, and are interchangeable, depending on the observer's motion. (If your mind is a puddle of goo now, I'm sorry. Special relativity wasn't understood in a day. If you really want to dig deeper, I'd recommend reading the book "Einstein For Everyone")
    Summarising, you can exploit this theory to move faster in time, relative to someone else (which is what you wanted). But to have any significant change, like days or years, you'd have to go near  the speed of light, which at 300,000,000 m/s or 1,080,000,000 (1 billion) km/h, is fast. Extremely fast. 
    So then let's try;
  3. Go up 
    Here we encounter Einstein's other famous theory of General Relativity. This deals how gravity affects spacetime. If you thought Special Relativity was confusing, this is downright obtuse. (Link for the interested). For now, you'll just have to believe me when I say that gravity makes time slow down.
    So you go up to the next floor.  When you do this, the pull of gravity on you is slightly  less than someone at a lower level, so time passes slightly slower for you than it does for the other person. But again, to have a real noticible difference, you'd need a body with far greater gravitational pull than the Earth can provide, so;
  4. 5. & 6.  (Hypothetical) Rotating Universes, Infinitely Long Super-dense Spinning Cylinders and Wormholes
    All these "techniques" exploit the fact that gravity bends spacetime and use it to bend so that it runs into another place (in time). The only problem is that 1) Our Universe is not rotating 2) These contraptions require types of energy and matter that are just hypothetical ideas with no evidence. So until we get some of that, there's not much to do here.

So, if you want to time travel, you can. But only very little, unless you're very fast, or very high up.