Schools need to teach debugging


The process of finding and remedying errors in a design. Can apply to code, circuits, projects, whatever. 
The Art of Problem Solving.

Why is this important?
We have problems everywhere. No one produces flawless material time after time. Sooner or later, you're going to make a mistake. It's basic math. Your success rate is a probability variable, taking values from (0<=c<1) [Can't be 1, because perfection is a physical impossibility]. The longer you go without making a mistake, the more likely you are to make one.
So everyone will come across problems. So they need to be taught how to deal with those problems. Ideally, school should do this. Schools exist to teach. They try to teach a whole variety of things from Sissytory, no Borography. But they don't seem to teach something that everyone will need, sooner or later.

And the longer they go without making a mistake, the harder it hits when the point finally comes.

Other people think this too.
